Friday, December 19, 2014


I have two words that will change your life. Well, maybe not change it, but greatly improve it. Boba Tea. You may know it as bubble tea.
a frothy E Asian beverage consisting of sweetened tea with milk or flavorings, usually served over black pellets, or pearls, of tapioca. 
Seriously. Go get some of this!!!!!!!!
Anyway, that was kind of an intro into this post. Earlier this week a few friends and I went out to lunch after our first day of finals. We had sushi, where they tried unagi, or eel rolls. I, did not. After that we went to the tea shop and to some other stores. 

To be honest mine isn't in this because I was drinking it, oops. But this shop is the cutest thing. It is on main street in my town and it is kind of like a tea house. It is cozy and great for a place to just go to and chill. You can do what one of my friends did and order a pot of tea to have right there.
You can actually see mine! It is on the far left.

When there is a bench, you have to take pictures with it. Duh. And when there are cute decorations in front of a store.
While walking we found a cute vintage shop with a backyard area. I thought I didn't have any good pics of it, but once I added a filter some turned out pretty good!

I hope you all survived finals week! It is finally break for me, and hopefully for all of you as well! This year I am really hoping for a white Christmas, we haven't had one here for years.
As Always,
xoxo Em

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Through the Looking Glass

“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to."
"I don't much care where –"
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

I was going to write about ways to keep calm and organized during finals week. It turned into this instead. Basically it was 4:00 in the afternoon yesterday and I was studying until I could no longer stay focused. I decided to take a break. This break turned into an hour long photo journey. My advice for you during finals week is to not overwork yourself. If you are stressed and overwhelmed you won't be able to absorb the info you are studying. Just take a deep breath. Go on a walk. Or run. Or anything that makes you happy. I took this break and then studied some more. Now I am in my PJ's at 1:00 in the afternoon doing this post. Once I am done, I will go back to studying. I promise, you'll do great.
As Always,
xoxo Em

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Art Class

It has been....awhile since I last posted. There are several reasons, but the main one is simply blogger's block (like writer's block, but for this blog). I haven't been able to come up with any good ideas for things to post, so I just haven't posted. I am here to say that this cycle of having no idea what to write is over! Now, on with my post.

For the past semester I have been in art class. Why you ask? Good question. I have little to no talent when it comes to visual arts, but I signed up for the class anyway. Our first assignment was to draw a self portrait, and I may scar you with the end results later. We then did a mask project, and then a printing project. We are now onto photography, which means I might be able to show off some pictures I have taken! I figured I would give you guys a sneak peek into what pictures I'll be turning in, because in all honesty, I care about my reader's and fellow blogger's opinion on my photos more than my art teachers. In the end we have to turn in three abstract photos, three portraits, and three still life.
Abstract 1.
I thought this photo was interesting because of its dimensions. It almost makes you dizzy when you look at it from the bottom up. When we were walking around I just saw the brick wall and sat down and put my camera right up against the wall. Did I get strange looks? Yes. Was it worth it? I think so. 
Abstract 2.
Just like the brick one, this is kind of a shift focus with the subject being the purple paint bottle. Originally I thought this was going to turn out bad, because I didn't think a box of paint would be that interesting. When I took this I rotated the image and really started to enjoy it. The stains on the paint bottles themselves add to the photo, as well as the paintings in the back. I took this in the art room, which is probably pretty obvious.
Abstract 3.
For my last abstract photo I chose something that was from nature. This is the stump of a tree, and I tried to focus on the leaf in it. I saturated it a bit, but other than that there are no filters on it. In this photo I really like the various textures in it. 

Portrait 1.
This first portrait is of my friend Katie (hey Katie if you're reading this :)). I took this photo on a VERY flimsy bridge near my house. In a perfect world I would have liked a bit more color in the trees in the background, but that would have taken more photo editing. For this project our teacher wants our photos to be as raw as possible.
Portrait 2.
If you see the bench in the other photo, that is where this was taken. The colors in this are a lot stronger than the other one in my opinions. The sky, her hair, the bushes, etc. The mood in both of these is kind of mysterious or peaceful.
Portrait 3.
Remember this? I used this photo in my camping post, but she said I can use it for the project as well. To be honest this is one of my favorite photos I have ever taken. I have not edited this at all, and the colors are still very vibrant. To take this picture I thought I was going to get stung.

Still Life.
I am still working on this part, but when I finish them I will post them! 

 I will be updating the pages soon, and I am excited especially for the DIY part of it. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!!
As Always,
xoxo Em

Monday, September 8, 2014

How to NOT wear makeup

Before I start this post I would like to thank Hannah from Daises and DMs for my my wonderful profile picture (right column on blog)! It is beautiful and I love it :)
Okay, maybe the picture is a bit much, but it gets my point across! Their are some simple things that you can do wrong when putting on makeup that will lead to some not so pleasant results.

1: The Dry Skin Monster
I personally can't use foundation. No matter how much moisturizer I use or what time of year it is my skin is always too dry. When I apply it, it looks flaky and gross. No matter what skin type you are, ALWAYS use moisturizer. I use concealer, but only small amounts so that it doesn't stand out. To help keep the dry skin monster away from you, use an exfoliator several times a week to keep your skin smooth.

2: Not Changing Your Foundation
I don't have this problem, but when I see girls at the beach with full foundation, I cringe. Basically, in the summer, keep it light with a BB cream or no foundation at all. In the colder months use a fuller coverage foundation to lock it moisture. Plus, your skin tone changes! You wear darker concealer and foundation/BB cream in the summer and lighter foundation, BB cream, etc. in the winter.

3: Too Much Blush
We all want that rosy glow, but we don't want to look like a barbie. Before you apply blush, lightly pinch your cheeks in the area you want to apply the blush. The natural pink/red you get from your cheek is what you should aim to create with your blush.

4: Unblended Makeup
When you do your makeup, make sure you can actually see what you're doing. You may think that you blended in your concealer, but when you step outside you might see some streaks. Use your ring finger to blend, it is the most supple and it is just the easiest to use.

5: Shine Overload
Their are several ways you can make this happen. You skip out on primer, or you use too many luminizing products. To prevent this, use face primer and powder (only on your oily areas, DON'T dump it anywhere you please). If you want to, apply highlighter to your cheekbones, but don't go Bon Jovi with it.

6: Powder Crazy:
It is easy to pack on the powder all over. When you're done, you might look like a judge from the 1800's wearing a white wig. Use a brush and create light, fluffy circles and apply the product to the areas you need it. For most it is in the T-zone and under the eyes (to set your concealer). Throughout the day use oil blotting sheets, and maybe apply some more powder mid day.

I may have had a little too much fun taking these pictures...

Make sure you guys follow me on bloglovin to keep up with my posts. It is basically instagram, but for blogs. The link is on the right column. If you want, follow my instagram, it is emmar5768 . I would love to keep in touch with you guys! We are getting closer to my favorite time of year, fall! It is by far my favorite season :)

As Always,
xoxo Em

*This post is not sponsored, all opinions and photos are my own :)*

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Labor Day weekend

A big part of getting through the school year for me is looking forward to small trips. For example, last weekend we went camping. It has been a tradition for as long as I can remember. When we camp I love to visit places all around the camp site. Here are some of the things I discovered.

I took all these pictures at an old cemetery, one that is 121 years old. It has all kinds of people there, from ones who died this year to those who died 121 years ago. There is various sections such as boot hill, a Catholic Hill, a Protestant forest and a small Jewish section. You feel like you're walking through a time machine when you visit this place, and it is in a beautiful location. Their are small ponds everywhere and you can see different mountains in the distance.

All of these photos except the first one are untouched. I took them and then posted them! I also updated the "Shopping" page, so go check it out!

As Always,
xoxo Em

*This post is not sponsored, all opinions and pictures are my own :)*

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Back to School Advice (High School)

Going back to school can be a fun, yet nerve racking time. Every year I always hear the same advice from friends and family. "Join clubs! Join sports! Be outgoing!" You know, the typical pep talks. Are any of your friends or family like this?

This post is meant to help you all become a little more pumped for school, and a little less nervous. These tips are for if you are going into a new school, or even if you're not. Tips marked with a * are for if you are going to a new school (middle school high school, transfer, etc.) The rest work for anyone!

Tip #1: Lock screen your schedule
This tip is for everyone. Even if it isn't your first year at the school, you probably won't know exactly where each of your classes are. Before you go to the first day, take a pic of your schedule and turn it into your lock screen. This way you can easily look at your phone and know where to go.

Tip #2: Map out your classes
I think one of the biggest reasons that we get nervous for school is because we are afraid of getting lost. Before I give you this tip, know that if you get lost, it isn't a big deal. You won't be the only one, just find the nearest teacher and show them your schedule. Now what I like to do before school is look to see if any rooms are near each other. If they are, I highlight them with the same color. This way I know at least where one or two rooms are. Also, if you can, get a hold of your school map and highlight your path. Trust me, it works.

 Tip #3: Break the ice
When you get to your first class, don't sit by yourself. Sit near someone, even if you don't know them. Give them a small smile and say hi. If you have to do anything with a partner, ask if they want to work with you.  Then, at the end of class, if you feel comfortable enough, ask to compare schedules.

*Tip #4: Bring your own lunch
For the first few days try to bring your own lunch. This way you have plenty of time to find a seat. You are also in a new environment, so try to get used to your surroundings before you try to conquer the lunch line. Plus, you'll save money!!

Tip #5: New Friends
People change. So do friends. It is a new year, so you may lose some friends, but you will also meet many new ones! Try to be open, which I know can be hard. I am very shy, but if you close yourself off people will have a harder time getting to know you. One tip I have is to smile. If someone sits down next to you, smile. Not a huge freaky smile, but a quick small one so the first impression a person gets of you is a good one. Also, join something! I know, everyone says this. It really is a good way to meet people. Whatever club or sport you join, everyone else who is there also likes what you are interested. It also gets you out of the house. I personally am in the Key Club and Student Council.

My Own Experience:
I hadn't ridden a bus in three years, so riding one was foreign to me. In all honesty, I didn't like it all. I have gotten used to it, earphones and music are lifesavers. When it comes to classes, high school isn't like the movies where kids can talk or fall asleep without the teacher noticing. Overall, the worst part about the week was lunch. I had the opposite lunch as all my friends, so I sat by the fist people I could see. I did this for a couple days until I finally met some people who I could sit comfortably by. Another thing you should know is that high school is huge. So if you're worried about gossip, it won't be nearly as bad as middle school. People mature in high school, and it makes for a much more adult environment.

 What advice do you have for students going back to school? If you're still on break I hope you enjoy your final few days. I have also been nominated for the Liebster Award, so if you would like me to look at your blog leave the link down below. I would love to look at your blogs to nominate some of you!

As Always,
xoxo Em

*This post is not sponsored, I don't need a license to these photos and all these opinions are my own*

Photo 1: "Noe classroom" by Flominator - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

Photo 2:  "Kmt hilversum". Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons -

Photo 3: "ZambianSchool4" by Florence Devouard - Florence Devouard. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Harborside Bus Line to Nowhere

As August rolls around, so do the back to school commercials. We start to feel both nervous and excited about the new school year ahead of us. Summer is waving its last goodbye, and fall is whispering in our ears. Slowly we start to await the time when we can put on cozy sweaters and drink warm cocoa while watching the leaves fall.

Now is a time to reflect on all the memories we, or I, in this case, made this summer. Other than watching countless seasons of shows on Netflix, I also went to Maine. Instead of writing down every little thing I did, I decided to just post tons of photos with captions. *Note* This is not me bragging about my vacation. I know that I am very fortunate to be able to go on these trips. I am posting these pictures for all of you to see as well as a diary/memory type thing.

In no order what so ever, here is a summary of my summer. From Northern Maine, to a small coastal town, to Quebec, I spent time in all the places I love. In future posts I may post one or two photos from my collection just to add some more depth.

 How was your summer? I hope you did things that you enjoyed, even if it was just relaxing at home. My fashion page is finally uploaded, so go check it out!
As Always,
xoxo Em

*This post is not sponsored, all photos and opinions are my own*

Sunday, August 3, 2014

DIY Body Scrub


I love anything that makes my skin feel amazing. So naturally, scrubs fall into that category. Sadly, they are usually around $20 each. For years now I have been making my own scrubs, and I adore them! They are easy to make, and you can control what you put in them! 
Step 1: Choose your base
You have two options. Salt or sugar. I use sugar in the summer, because it is less harsh on the skin. In the winter my skin needs a deeper exfoliation, so during the cold months I use salt. Now sugar is a natural humectant, which means it draws moisture from your surroundings and pulls it into your skin. That is why this is perfect for the shower, because their is plenty of moisture there!  Sugar is also a natural source of glycolic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid, which breaks down the bonds of skin cells, creating younger looking skin. It is also good to use this scrub at night, because your skin will be more prone to sun damage after the scrub.
Step 2: Choose your oil
My favorite is canola oil, because it doesn't have a strong smell. You can also use olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, etc. I don't like olive oil, because it has a strong smell. Now canola oil helps to prevent aging, acne, and spots. Sometimes I get bumps right above my elbows, and this gets rid of them right away. The oil also helps to moisturize and give your skin a smooth touch.
Step 3: Choose your scent(s)
For this post I used mint and lemon, but you can do anything! I also like grapefruit, lavender, and vanilla. I used fresh mint, peppermint oil, and lemon zest(don't use the juice!). Use any essential oil of your choice. If you don't have any essential oils, almond, vanilla, or any kind of extract will work.
Step 4: Create your scrub!!!
Start with pouring you base into a bowl. I only did a small amount because I'm leaving soon for vacation. Usually I do about a 1/2 cup. Next add your oil. How much you add is up to you, go by spoonful until you get the consistency you want. It can be like sand, or like syrup. I like mine in between, so that I can pick it up, but I like it kind of runny. This usually takes about 6 spoonfuls. Lastly, add your essential oil,leaves,zest,etc.. I store mine in a small mason jar with a rubber lid and keep it in my shower. After you use your scrub use lotion to lock in moisture.

I am back from vacation! School is starting, so I won't be posting as frequently as before, but it will be more than I was doing on vacation!

As Always,
xoxo Em
*This post is not sponsored. All photos, objects and opinions are mine :)*

Friday, July 11, 2014

Revamp old T-shirts

When I look in my closet I see plentiful amounts of T-shirts that aren't the most fashionable, but hold a lot of memories. I decided to revamp some of these to make them more wearable and trendy. This is the first one, with more to come!
All you will need is an old T-shirt, scissors, and a pencil.
Flip your shirt over so you can clearly see the seams. We are going to start by making our T-shirt a muscle shirt, so we have to cut off the sleeves and part of the collar. I recommend you use a pencil, I used a sharpie so you can see where to make your marks. 
Once you cut on the lines, the places where you cut will look kind of torn up. Simply tug both ends of the sleeve and/or collar to curl the edges a bit to hide the rough edges.
Next you want to cut a horizontal line up both sides of your shirt. Cut from the bottom up to until you reach the top and you can pull the waist seams away from each other (like the picture above).
On both sides cut about 1.5 inch long strips that are a little less than an inch wide. You can really cut these as wide or long as you want, as long as you can make a double knot with them.
 Tie the top layer of the strip with the bottom. Make sure you do a double knot, or everything will come undone (I speak from experience). When you finish, tug the bottom and top part of the shirt to stretch everything out.
I like using this type of shirt on top of my bathing suit because it is light and easy to take off. 

I am sorry for the all the typos in my previous post! I usually edit my posts the day after I write them, but I really wanted to post it after I wrote it! If any of you make either the biscotti or this T-shirt tell me what you think of it in the comments.
As Always,
xoxo Em

*This post is not sponsored, all opinions, pictures, and opinions are my own*