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This post is meant to help you all become a little more pumped for school, and a little less nervous. These tips are for if you are going into a new school, or even if you're not. Tips marked with a * are for if you are going to a new school (middle school high school, transfer, etc.) The rest work for anyone!
Tip #1: Lock screen your schedule
This tip is for everyone. Even if it isn't your first year at the school, you probably won't know exactly where each of your classes are. Before you go to the first day, take a pic of your schedule and turn it into your lock screen. This way you can easily look at your phone and know where to go.
Tip #2: Map out your classes
I think one of the biggest reasons that we get nervous for school is because we are afraid of getting lost. Before I give you this tip, know that if you get lost, it isn't a big deal. You won't be the only one, just find the nearest teacher and show them your schedule. Now what I like to do before school is look to see if any rooms are near each other. If they are, I highlight them with the same color. This way I know at least where one or two rooms are. Also, if you can, get a hold of your school map and highlight your path. Trust me, it works.
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Tip #3: Break the ice
When you get to your first class, don't sit by yourself. Sit near someone, even if you don't know them. Give them a small smile and say hi. If you have to do anything with a partner, ask if they want to work with you. Then, at the end of class, if you feel comfortable enough, ask to compare schedules.
*Tip #4: Bring your own lunch
For the first few days try to bring your own lunch. This way you have plenty of time to find a seat. You are also in a new environment, so try to get used to your surroundings before you try to conquer the lunch line. Plus, you'll save money!!
Tip #5: New Friends
People change. So do friends. It is a new year, so you may lose some friends, but you will also meet many new ones! Try to be open, which I know can be hard. I am very shy, but if you close yourself off people will have a harder time getting to know you. One tip I have is to smile. If someone sits down next to you, smile. Not a huge freaky smile, but a quick small one so the first impression a person gets of you is a good one. Also, join something! I know, everyone says this. It really is a good way to meet people. Whatever club or sport you join, everyone else who is there also likes what you are interested. It also gets you out of the house. I personally am in the Key Club and Student Council.
My Own Experience:
I hadn't ridden a bus in three years, so riding one was foreign to me. In all honesty, I didn't like it all. I have gotten used to it, earphones and music are lifesavers. When it comes to classes, high school isn't like the movies where kids can talk or fall asleep without the teacher noticing. Overall, the worst part about the week was lunch. I had the opposite lunch as all my friends, so I sat by the fist people I could see. I did this for a couple days until I finally met some people who I could sit comfortably by. Another thing you should know is that high school is huge. So if you're worried about gossip, it won't be nearly as bad as middle school. People mature in high school, and it makes for a much more adult environment.
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What advice do you have for students going back to school? If you're still on break I hope you enjoy your final few days. I have also been nominated for the Liebster Award, so if you would like me to look at your blog leave the link down below. I would love to look at your blogs to nominate some of you!
As Always,
xoxo Em
*This post is not sponsored, I don't need a license to these photos and all these opinions are my own*
Photo 1: "Noe classroom" by Flominator - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Noe_classroom.jpg#mediaviewer/File:Noe_classroom.jpg
Photo 2: "Kmt hilversum". Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kmt_hilversum.jpg#mediaviewer/File:Kmt_hilversum.jpg
Photo 3: "ZambianSchool4" by Florence Devouard - Florence Devouard. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ZambianSchool4.JPG#mediaviewer/File:ZambianSchool4.JPG