Friday, December 19, 2014


I have two words that will change your life. Well, maybe not change it, but greatly improve it. Boba Tea. You may know it as bubble tea.
a frothy E Asian beverage consisting of sweetened tea with milk or flavorings, usually served over black pellets, or pearls, of tapioca. 
Seriously. Go get some of this!!!!!!!!
Anyway, that was kind of an intro into this post. Earlier this week a few friends and I went out to lunch after our first day of finals. We had sushi, where they tried unagi, or eel rolls. I, did not. After that we went to the tea shop and to some other stores. 

To be honest mine isn't in this because I was drinking it, oops. But this shop is the cutest thing. It is on main street in my town and it is kind of like a tea house. It is cozy and great for a place to just go to and chill. You can do what one of my friends did and order a pot of tea to have right there.
You can actually see mine! It is on the far left.

When there is a bench, you have to take pictures with it. Duh. And when there are cute decorations in front of a store.
While walking we found a cute vintage shop with a backyard area. I thought I didn't have any good pics of it, but once I added a filter some turned out pretty good!

I hope you all survived finals week! It is finally break for me, and hopefully for all of you as well! This year I am really hoping for a white Christmas, we haven't had one here for years.
As Always,
xoxo Em

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Through the Looking Glass

“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to."
"I don't much care where –"
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

I was going to write about ways to keep calm and organized during finals week. It turned into this instead. Basically it was 4:00 in the afternoon yesterday and I was studying until I could no longer stay focused. I decided to take a break. This break turned into an hour long photo journey. My advice for you during finals week is to not overwork yourself. If you are stressed and overwhelmed you won't be able to absorb the info you are studying. Just take a deep breath. Go on a walk. Or run. Or anything that makes you happy. I took this break and then studied some more. Now I am in my PJ's at 1:00 in the afternoon doing this post. Once I am done, I will go back to studying. I promise, you'll do great.
As Always,
xoxo Em

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Art Class

It has been....awhile since I last posted. There are several reasons, but the main one is simply blogger's block (like writer's block, but for this blog). I haven't been able to come up with any good ideas for things to post, so I just haven't posted. I am here to say that this cycle of having no idea what to write is over! Now, on with my post.

For the past semester I have been in art class. Why you ask? Good question. I have little to no talent when it comes to visual arts, but I signed up for the class anyway. Our first assignment was to draw a self portrait, and I may scar you with the end results later. We then did a mask project, and then a printing project. We are now onto photography, which means I might be able to show off some pictures I have taken! I figured I would give you guys a sneak peek into what pictures I'll be turning in, because in all honesty, I care about my reader's and fellow blogger's opinion on my photos more than my art teachers. In the end we have to turn in three abstract photos, three portraits, and three still life.
Abstract 1.
I thought this photo was interesting because of its dimensions. It almost makes you dizzy when you look at it from the bottom up. When we were walking around I just saw the brick wall and sat down and put my camera right up against the wall. Did I get strange looks? Yes. Was it worth it? I think so. 
Abstract 2.
Just like the brick one, this is kind of a shift focus with the subject being the purple paint bottle. Originally I thought this was going to turn out bad, because I didn't think a box of paint would be that interesting. When I took this I rotated the image and really started to enjoy it. The stains on the paint bottles themselves add to the photo, as well as the paintings in the back. I took this in the art room, which is probably pretty obvious.
Abstract 3.
For my last abstract photo I chose something that was from nature. This is the stump of a tree, and I tried to focus on the leaf in it. I saturated it a bit, but other than that there are no filters on it. In this photo I really like the various textures in it. 

Portrait 1.
This first portrait is of my friend Katie (hey Katie if you're reading this :)). I took this photo on a VERY flimsy bridge near my house. In a perfect world I would have liked a bit more color in the trees in the background, but that would have taken more photo editing. For this project our teacher wants our photos to be as raw as possible.
Portrait 2.
If you see the bench in the other photo, that is where this was taken. The colors in this are a lot stronger than the other one in my opinions. The sky, her hair, the bushes, etc. The mood in both of these is kind of mysterious or peaceful.
Portrait 3.
Remember this? I used this photo in my camping post, but she said I can use it for the project as well. To be honest this is one of my favorite photos I have ever taken. I have not edited this at all, and the colors are still very vibrant. To take this picture I thought I was going to get stung.

Still Life.
I am still working on this part, but when I finish them I will post them! 

 I will be updating the pages soon, and I am excited especially for the DIY part of it. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!!
As Always,
xoxo Em