DIY Deep Hair Conditioner

During the winter, our hair can turn into a frizzy desert wasteland. To prevent this, your hair needs needs to be nourished. Just like your skin, your hair needs certain vitamins to thrive. For both of these masks you can find all the ingredients you'll need around the house. Personally I get agitated when I see videos and I have everything except one thing! The first DIY hair conditioner is a hair mask that will help to hydrate your hair. You will need a 1/4 cup of olive oil, a 1/4 cup of milk, and 1/2 a banana. Olive oil helps to protect your hair from the harsh winter hair. Think of it as a bubble around your hair. It also softens your hair and removes dandruff! If you tend to have greasy hair, try not to get this mask too close to your roots. Milk acts as a moisturizer for your hair. It repairs dry and damaged hair. If you want a creamier and an ultra hydrating mask, use half and half instead of milk. Now I know what you're thinking. Banana and olive oil? Yes! Banana's mend split ends which is good for all times of the year! In the winter your hair can split anywhere, and banana's help to mend them. To make the mask, mix together the milk and olive oil. Chop up the banana into bite size pieces and put them in. Mash the banana so the mask is like a yogurt consistency. If you don't mash this up enough, the banana could be extremely hard to wash out. That is part of the reason we mix olive oil and banana together. The oil will help to get the banana out. Place this mix into the microwave for about 30 seconds, or until warm. This will help to release some of the vitamins in the oil. Next, bring the mask into the shower and apply it to your hair! Apply it like you would shampoo, unless you have greasy hair. Then, apply it about 4 or 5 inches away from your roots. Leave it in for about 10 min, then rinse it out!

The next mask is a egg and honey mask. This is good for greasy hair because you can apply to your roots as well, Eggs are basically your one stop shop for all of your hair needs. Eggs help to prevent dandruff and give your hair a shiny look. It also gives your hair protein and moisture. Honey locks in the moisture that the egg puts in your hair. It also prevents hair loss! For this mask you'll need two eggs (3 for long hair) and about a tablespoon of honey (two if want the texture thicker). Mix these ingredients together and put it in the microwave for no longer than 5 seconds. Next apply this mask all over your hair your dry, not wet, hair. Massage all over, and then put a shower cap on and leave it in for about 10 min. When you are ready to wash it out, use relatively cold water. If you use hot water the eggs could cook (gross!) and would be hard to get out.
Both of these masks shouldn't be used more than once a week. I tried coming up with many ideas and these worked the best! They helped my dry hair turn into soft smooth hair! I'm all about making homemade body care products, because then you know what is in them! Two weeks until Valentines Day! Can you believe it is that close by? Do you have a special someone this year?
As Always,
xoxo Em
*not sponsored, all opinions are from yours truly :)*
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