Friday, June 27, 2014

DIY hair mask for frizzy or damaged hair

Pool and ocean water can do serious damage to our hair during the summer. This mask will add shine to your hair as well as make your hair less frizzy and more smooth. I use this mask about 3 times a week, and I can tell a major difference in my hair. The ingredients you'll need are few and simple. They are olive oil, plain yogurt, and honey.

The first thing you want to do is pour one tablespoon of olive oil into a small bowl.

To the same bowl add two tablespoons of honey. Add the honey to the same tablespoon measure so that it comes out easily.
Lastly, add two tablespoons of plain yogurt.
Mix everything together until well combined. It is okay if there are a few clumps of yogurt throughout.
To apply the mixture make sure you are either wearing something you don't care about or have a towel under your hair. I like to start by dipping the ends of my hair right into the bowl. I then put a latex glove on and just pour the mask all throughout my hair and distribute it evenly. Don't go above your ears because if you get the mask on your roots they make get greasy. Leave the mask in your hair for about 20 min, and then take a shower and shampoo and condition your hair like normal. When you wake up (or after your hair dries) you'll see that your hair is shinier and smoother.

As Always,
xoxo Em

*This post is not sponsored. All photos, objects, and opinions are my own :)*


  1. Very nice mask and it sounds super easy! Ocean water drys out my hair a lot, so this sounds perfect :)

  2. Your blog is amazing and I would love for you to check mine out x
