White Jeans
Black Boots
Feather Necklace
Black Top
This outfit today is a perfect outfit for chilly days. You may be looking at the top and thinking, "um how is a short sleeve good for chilly days?" Well my darlings, all you have to do is go to Overstock to find yourself a perfect cardigan over it for when you go outside. Or just full any jacket you have and put it on just until you get to where you are going. The necklace gives this whole look the color it needs without going overboard, and the white adds contrast to the black. The riding boots have cute buckles and are on sale! Whenever I put an outfit together for you guys I always look for cute, affordable items. All of these items are either on sale or are already at a good price. Now the reason I paired boots with white jeans is more methodical that one might think. If you're like me, whenever you wear white is the day your body decides to go crazy and spill everything all over the white piece of clothing. The boots will help with that. Whenever it is raining,snowing, or the ground is just muddy, the boots will lift you high enough off the ground that you won't get any dirt or grime on your jeans! If you accidentally get something on them, have a tide to go handy. If you don't want to buy new clothing just for this outfit, I understand. Just pull things you like from this. For example, a knockoff outfit could be any boots you have, with a plain t shirt and any jeans with a blingy necklace. Make sure you have some kind of neck piece, because that is what brings this outfit from a 9 to a 10. I hope you all are having a good Saturday!
As always,
xoxo Em
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