When I was looking for a shirt and undershirt, I didn't want to look for exact replicas of the clothing. So instead of choosing a white bandeau I went for a red one. The shirt doesn't have any ties or knots on the bottom either. Now onto finding some shorts and shoes.
These shorts are more ombre than Kylie's, but I think the more color they have the more pop they'll give the whole outfit. I stuck with her combat boots but chose one with a bit of a lighter wash and one that has studs. For hair, anything side swept would work. A braid or fishtail would both look cute. If you have shorter hair braiding a piece of your hair and pinning it back would give it a similar effect. For accessories I would go for some homemade bracelets to add more roughness to the look. You could add sunglasses as well. Overall, this outfit is supposed to look effortless, so don't put much effort into it! I hope your
weekend is going great! Remember, I will be posting new fashion, hair, DIY, and shopping pages today so go check them out! I'll probably be changing them around 7:00pm East Coast time.
As always,
xoxo Em
Links to today's clothes:
Red Bandeau
High waisted shorts
Combat Boots (with studds)
Red striped shirt
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