Every one of you is important. One of my favorite quotes of all time is by the actress Viola Davis in, The Help and it is, "You is kind. You is smart, and you is important." No matter what anyone tells you, keep your head up, because they would love to see it fall. I know that low self esteem happens at all ages, and society is the main reason. The world will knock you down, it is your job to get back up. Surround yourself with people you love, and people who love you back. Remember, you only get haters when you're being yourself and they are jealous of your shine. Empowering yourself isn't easy to do. The first step is to understand that you are capable of anything. Don't say you can't do something. Say that you don't know how to do something. Because you know what? You can. Look at your good qualities. Don't focus on the bad, because if you can't change it, what's the use of fretting over it? When finding yourself make sure you don't build walls. Let people critique you, because the more they do, the stronger you become. One also must become confident. What does this mean? Stand straight, talk like you know exactly what you're talking about, and don't doubt yourself. Part of self empowerment is letting go. If someone is dragging you down, get away from them. You want to be surrounded by people who help you climb the mountain, not drag you down into the river. You also have to accept others. If you gossip and laugh at others weaknesses you are just as bad as the rest of society. If you are mean to others, why do expect anyone to treat you fairly? I know, its hard. It would be easy to fall into the mouth of other mean spirited people, that is why there is so much hate in the world. It is up to you to break out of society. If nothing else, I believe in you.
As always,
xoxo Em
* I hope you all have had a good week! Remember, one more day and we have the weekend! And if you work on the weekend, treat yourself to a starbucks.
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