Definition: The art of making happy discoveries.
1.) Know at least one 4-star meal that you can cook well. Not only will this impress everyone around you, but knowing you can make an awesome meal lets you know that you are capable of at least one thing. And by 4 star I mean that it can also be knowing how to make a killer hot dog or sandwhich.
2.) Take time to notice the little things. Stop and smell the roses. Who knows, maybe you'll smell them, make a perfume line, and become rich,
3.) Travel. Go to Paris, or to your local supers market. Wherever you go, make it an adventure. Take pictures, write a blog.
4.) Having a laugh is the best medicine. Not only is laughing proven to make you live longer, but a laughing person looks more inviting than a glaring one.
5.) Being grateful is better than being selfish. Look around and know that someone out there has got it a lot worse than you.
6.) Have passion in what you do. Wake up and be ready to conquer the day.
7.) You get what you settle for. If you don't like where you are in life, push harder. Don't settle for mediocre, strive for infinity.
8.) Where you put your attention is where you get results. Don't rely on others, get the job done yourself.
9.) Budgets are your friend. Save some, spend some, repeat.
I could make this list go on forever, but these are the building blocks. In essence, these things are telling you to work hard in what you believe in, and you will be a happier person. And when you are happier, your whole life will be better.
It is Sunday funday everyone! Well here it is the end of Sunday funday, but oh well. Tomorrow is Monday, which I can bet is not everyone's favorite day. To make it better, let yourself sleep in 10 extra minutes if you can. I always say, treats make everything better. If you walk most days, try and grab a ride to wherever you are going. Get your breakfast at Starbucks, or somewhere you usually don't. Whatever you do, try and make your Monday less miserable.
As always,
xoxo Em
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