Sunday, August 10, 2014

Harborside Bus Line to Nowhere

As August rolls around, so do the back to school commercials. We start to feel both nervous and excited about the new school year ahead of us. Summer is waving its last goodbye, and fall is whispering in our ears. Slowly we start to await the time when we can put on cozy sweaters and drink warm cocoa while watching the leaves fall.

Now is a time to reflect on all the memories we, or I, in this case, made this summer. Other than watching countless seasons of shows on Netflix, I also went to Maine. Instead of writing down every little thing I did, I decided to just post tons of photos with captions. *Note* This is not me bragging about my vacation. I know that I am very fortunate to be able to go on these trips. I am posting these pictures for all of you to see as well as a diary/memory type thing.

In no order what so ever, here is a summary of my summer. From Northern Maine, to a small coastal town, to Quebec, I spent time in all the places I love. In future posts I may post one or two photos from my collection just to add some more depth.

 How was your summer? I hope you did things that you enjoyed, even if it was just relaxing at home. My fashion page is finally uploaded, so go check it out!
As Always,
xoxo Em

*This post is not sponsored, all photos and opinions are my own*


  1. Those cakes in the last picture look so yummy :) I've had a really good holiday, even if I've just been in the UK this year.

  2. Sharing your photographs doesn't come off as bragging. Beautiful images. :) I really enjoy the first two.

    - Christina

  3. Looks like a great summer. Lovely blog :)


  4. Hey! :-)
    I nominated you for the Leibster Award..
    Here is the link-
